Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cold Hands, Warm Hearts

It's finally the day I have been waiting for!

I get to share my goodies that I received from my new blog friend MaryHelen!!!

I was so excited to participate in this blog exchange! It was so much fun!

My package arrived and I could not wait to open it!!! I was tempted to wait but I couldn't contain myself and opened my package! It was wrapped super cute and contained SO many cute goodies! Here are some pictures of the amazing gloves, the adorable little bag (that had Burts Bees lip goodies!!!) {I love lip gloss}, an adorable note pad, and hot cocoa!!! LOVE EVERYTHING IN MY PACKAGE!!!


  1. I'm so glad you liked it!! I got mine yesterday and everything was amazing. I LOVE the mittens!! And hubby and I may have enjoyed more chocolate than we needed to haha I'm going to be posting about it tonight. Thanks so much!
