Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 22, 2011


This weekend the hubby and I had a staycation at home. We decided to save some money and instead of having s vacation where we would have to spend money we decided to stay home and vacation there.

We slept in, we cooked at home, we went to the pool, we ate yummy food, took naps, and watched movies!

Best staycation we could have had.

Pregnancy update:
I am 26 weeks pregnant! The baby and I are doing great! 14 weeks of pregnancy left!

Current obsession: eating ice lol
Current fear: Childcare and how we will afford it.
Current dream: going back to school to get a job I actually like and to spend as much time as humanly possible with my baby boy after he is born!

Current baby clothes we have:
 From my little sis in my sorority
 From my sorority sis Caroline
 From my lovely friend Julia
 From my sister
 From Grandma who is already spoiling this little guy!

Loves of my life: my amazing husband, my precious baby boy & last but not least god.

Something I tell myself every day: let go and let god.


1 comment:

  1. Such cute clothes!! And don't fear daycare, something will work out! (Trust in Him, like you said)
